The hardest part about ADHD in adults and ADD in kids is that no matter whether you take standard prescription drugs from a doctor, or work out your own drug-free alternative ADD treatment, nothing helps you focus on the RIGHT things.
That is, while Adderall may help you focus, there is nothing in it or Ritalin or Vyvanse that will make you focus on schoolwork or on that critical project due for work. They can help keep you focused and help you get distracted less often, but in the end, you have to make yourself focus on the right thing FIRST, and THEN the meds will help keep your focus in place. But, if you don’t get your focus on the subject you need to focus on, then all they do is help stop you from being distracted from something you shouldn’t be doing in the first place.
Who wants to guess what my top ADD issue is this morning?
Hope your day is more focused and productive than mine has been so far.
— ADDer
Esteban says
Great articles. If scoohls and parents did more research on their own, fewer kids would be on drugs. The quick fix may be good in the short term but not in the long run. I think you’re right though that some kids need medication. The irony of it all is that at school, recess is the first thing taken away when my child misbehaves. The kids only have two recesses all day: 10 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at lunch. That’s it! I don’t think I could sit in a classroom that long without a break. At conferences, adults get a break nearly every hour. Hmmm